@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+ * V1
+//using LiveCharts.Helpers;
+//using Microsoft.DwayneNeed.Numerics;
+//using Mysqlx.Crud;
+//using NPOI.SS.Formula.Functions;
+//using SCADA.BarcodeReader;
+//using SCADA.Comm;
+//using SCADA.CommonLib.Data;
+//using SCADA.CommonLib.Data.DIL;
+//using SCADA.CommonLib.Helper;
+//using SCADA.SECS;
+//using SCADA_DAQ.Customer.Models.DeviceManagement;
+//using SCADA_DAQ.Customer.Models.MotorcycleTypeManagement;
+//using SCADA_DAQ.Customer.Models.RecordManagement;
+//using SCADA_DAQ.Customer.Models.TaskManagement;
+//using SCADA_DAQ.Plugin.Machine;
+//using SCADA_DAQ.Plugin.Machine.Device;
+//using SqlSchema.DBNames;
+//using System;
+//using System.Collections;
+//using System.Collections.Generic;
+//using System.ComponentModel;
+//using System.Diagnostics;
+//using System.Linq;
+//using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
+//using System.Security.Cryptography;
+//using System.Text;
+//using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+//using System.Threading.Tasks;
+//using System.Windows.Forms;
+//using Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit;
+//namespace SCADA_DAQ.Customer.Machines
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 二维扫码枪
+// /// </summary>
+// [DisplayName("二维扫码枪")]
+// public class ScannerMachine : BaseBarcodeReaderMachine
+// {
+// // 数据库对象
+// private static SqlSchema.DIL.DILDB DAL = Env.SgIDAL;
+// private static DIL.DILDB sqliteDAL = Env.DAL;
+// // 测试环境
+// private static bool IsDev = false;
+// // 工单切换索引
+// private static int orderIndex = 0;
+// // 当前生产的工单号
+// private static string currentOrderId = "";
+// // 当前生成的车型名称
+// private static string currentMotorcycleTypeName = "";
+// // 上次扫码号
+// private static string lastScanCode = "";
+// // 上次生产的工单号
+// private static string lastOrderId = "";
+// // 上次生产的工单号
+// private static int lastId = -1;
+// // 扫码队列
+// Queue scanQueue = new Queue();
+// //// 任务模型
+// //private TaskManagementModel taskManagementModel = new TaskManagementModel();
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 构造函数
+// /// </summary>
+// /// <param name="id"></param>
+// public ScannerMachine(string id) : base(id)
+// {
+// Env.Schedual.DateTimeChanged += Schedual_DateTimeChanged; // 注册定时器事件
+// //A = MachineServer.GetInstance().GetMachine<ScannerMachine>("BarcodeReader1");
+// //A.BarCodeReceived += A_BarCodeReceived;
+// //DAL.ReadDataTable();
+// //DAL.ExecuteNonQuery("update APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement set CurrentProduction_Int=CurrentProduction_Int+1 where OrderState_Str='生产中' " +
+// // $"AND WorkShopId_Str='{scanItem.WorkShopId}' AND ProductionLineId_Str='{scanItem.ProductionLineId}'");
+// Init();
+// //if (lastOrderId == "")
+// if (lastId == -1)
+// Log.Warn("上次生产的工单号数据已丢失");
+// }
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 定时器
+// /// </summary>
+// /// <param name="sender"></param>
+// /// <param name="e"></param>
+// private void Schedual_DateTimeChanged(object sender, SCADA.CommonLib.DateTimeChangedArgs e)
+// {
+// // e.ChangeType == SCADA.CommonLib.DateTimeChangeType.SecondChanged 秒变化
+// // e.TimeFlag.Second 取值
+// //if (e.TimeFlag.Second % 60 == 0)
+// //{
+// // // 清空缓存
+// // CustomerEnv.TaskInfoCache.Clear();
+// //}
+// if (e.TimeFlag.Second % 1 == 0)
+// {
+// if (scanQueue.Count > 0) // 队列不为空
+// {
+// //ScanCounter();
+// if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "上料扫码枪")
+// {
+// ImportSyncQueue();
+// }
+// else if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "下料扫码枪")
+// {
+// ExportSyncQueue();
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// if (IsDev)
+// {
+// // 测试
+// if (e.TimeFlag.Second % 5 == 0)
+// {
+// DataReceivedEventArg dr = new DataReceivedEventArg();
+// if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "上料扫码枪")
+// {
+// LineImport(dr);
+// }
+// else if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "下料扫码枪")
+// {
+// LineExport(dr);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 扫码事件
+// /// </summary>
+// /// <param name="e"></param>
+// protected override void OnBarCodeReceived(DataReceivedEventArg e)
+// {
+// base.OnBarCodeReceived(e);
+// if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "上料扫码枪")
+// {
+// LineImport(e);
+// }
+// else if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "下料扫码枪")
+// {
+// LineExport(e);
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// Log.Warn($"扫码枪ID无效 —— 当前扫码枪ID为{BaseDevice.DeviceID}");
+// }
+// // 持久化数据
+// sqliteDAL.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.Insert(
+// new UpdateItem(DBNames.T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ScannerId_Str, BaseDevice.DeviceID),
+// new UpdateItem(DBNames.T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ScanData_Str, e.ReceiveMsg),
+// new UpdateItem(DBNames.T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.WorkShopId_Str, CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId),
+// new UpdateItem(DBNames.T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ProductionLineId_Str, CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId)
+// );
+// }
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 初始化
+// /// </summary>
+// private void Init()
+// {
+// // 取上次的扫码记录
+// var scanRecordItem = DAL.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.GetData<ScanRecordModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.ScannerId == BaseDevice.DeviceID && t.WorkShopId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId
+// && t.ProductionLineId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId)
+// .OrderBy(t => t.ID).LastOrDefault();
+// if (scanRecordItem == null)
+// return;
+// var taskInfoItem = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.OrderId == scanRecordItem.OrderId && t.WorkShopId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId
+// && t.ProductionLineId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId)
+// .OrderBy(t => t.ID).LastOrDefault();
+// if (taskInfoItem == null)
+// return;
+// if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "上料扫码枪")
+// {
+// currentOrderId = taskInfoItem.OrderId;
+// currentMotorcycleTypeName = taskInfoItem.MotorcycleTypeName;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = taskInfoItem.OrderSequence;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = currentOrderId;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = currentMotorcycleTypeName;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.CurrentProduction = taskInfoItem.CurrentProduction;
+// }
+// else if (BaseDevice.DeviceID == "下料扫码枪")
+// {
+// //lastOrderId = taskInfoItem.OrderId;
+// lastId = taskInfoItem.ID;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = taskInfoItem.OrderSequence;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = taskInfoItem.OrderId;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = taskInfoItem.MotorcycleTypeName;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.CurrentProduction = taskInfoItem.CurrentProduction;
+// }
+// }
+// #region 上料
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 上料
+// /// </summary>
+// /// <param name="e">扫码信息</param>
+// public void LineImport(DataReceivedEventArg e)
+// {
+// string scanMsg = e.ReceiveMsg;
+// if (IsDev)
+// {
+// // 测试
+// scanMsg = "change&&豪鲨2.0优享E版HD&&H3014010";
+// //scanMsg = "change&&夺冠超智版KS&&H3014010";
+// //Random random = new Random();
+// //scanMsg = $"{random.Next(100, 1000)}";
+// //currentOrderId = "Order0001";
+// //currentMotorcycleTypeName = "豪鲨2.0优享E版HD";
+// //CustomerEnv.CurrentOrderId = currentOrderId;
+// //CustomerEnv.CurrentMotorcycleTypeName = currentMotorcycleTypeName;
+// }
+// string[] QRInfo = Regex.Split(scanMsg, "&&", RegexOptions.None);
+// if (QRInfo.Count() == 1)
+// {
+// // 条形码
+// if (QRInfo[0] == "") // 空信息
+// {
+// Log.Debug("空信息");
+// return;
+// }
+// if (lastScanCode == scanMsg) // 重复扫码
+// {
+// Log.Debug("重复扫码");
+// return;
+// }
+// lastScanCode = scanMsg;
+// // 进队列
+// scanQueue.Enqueue(new ScanRecordModel
+// {
+// ScannerId = "上料扫码枪",
+// ScanData = scanMsg,
+// WorkShopId = CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId,
+// ProductionLineId = CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId,
+// ProductId = QRInfo[0],
+// OrderId = currentOrderId,
+// MotorcycleTypeName = currentMotorcycleTypeName
+// });
+// CustomerEnv.ScanList.Add(scanMsg); // 显示用
+// if (CustomerEnv.ScanList.Count > 10)
+// {
+// CustomerEnv.ScanList.RemoveAt(0);
+// }
+// }
+// else if (QRInfo.Count() == 3 && QRInfo[0] == "change")
+// {
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = -1;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = "";
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = "";
+// // 换型码
+// currentMotorcycleTypeName = QRInfo[1];
+// //// 查询车型
+// //currentMotorcycleTypeName = DAL.APP_TaiLing_MotorcycleTypeManagement.GetData<MotorcycleTypeModel>()?
+// // .Where(t => t.MotorcycleTypeId == QRInfo[2])
+// // .OrderBy(t => t.MotorcycleTypeId).Select(t => t.MotorcycleTypeName)
+// // .LastOrDefault();
+// Log.Debug($"正在换型:{currentMotorcycleTypeName}");
+// // 查询工单号
+// var taskList = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.MotorcycleTypeName == currentMotorcycleTypeName
+// && t.OrderState != "已生产"
+// && t.WorkShopId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId
+// && t.ProductionLineId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId)
+// .ToList();
+// if (taskList == null)
+// {
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = -1;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = "";
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = "查无工单任务\r\n请先添加工单";
+// Log.Warn("查无工单任务,请先添加工单");
+// return;
+// }
+// if (taskList.Count <= 0)
+// {
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = -1;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = "";
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = "查无工单任务\r\n请先添加工单";
+// Log.Warn("查无工单任务,请先添加工单");
+// return;
+// }
+// var OrderSequence = -1;
+// // 工单切换
+// if (lastScanCode != scanMsg) // 换码
+// {
+// orderIndex = 0;
+// lastScanCode = scanMsg;
+// }
+// if (currentOrderId != taskList[orderIndex].OrderId)
+// {
+// currentOrderId = taskList[orderIndex].OrderId;
+// OrderSequence = taskList[orderIndex].OrderSequence;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// if (orderIndex < taskList.Count - 1)
+// {
+// orderIndex++;
+// currentOrderId = taskList[orderIndex].OrderId;
+// OrderSequence = taskList[orderIndex].OrderSequence;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// // 循环切换
+// orderIndex = 0;
+// currentOrderId = taskList[orderIndex].OrderId;
+// OrderSequence = taskList[orderIndex].OrderSequence;
+// }
+// }
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = OrderSequence;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = currentOrderId;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = currentMotorcycleTypeName;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// Log.Warn("二维码信息不符合规则");
+// }
+// if (currentOrderId == "")
+// return;
+// var taskInfoItem = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.OrderId == currentOrderId && t.WorkShopId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId
+// && t.ProductionLineId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId)
+// .OrderBy(t => t.ID).LastOrDefault();
+// if (taskInfoItem == null)
+// return;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.CurrentProduction = taskInfoItem.CurrentProduction;
+// }
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 上料同步队列
+// /// </summary>
+// public void ImportSyncQueue()
+// {
+// // 出队列
+// ScanRecordModel scanItem = scanQueue.Dequeue() as ScanRecordModel;
+// //CustomerEnv.ScanList.RemoveAt(0);
+// // 保存上料记录
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.Insert(
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ScannerId_Str, scanItem.ScannerId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ScanData_Str, scanItem.ScanData),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.WorkShopId_Str, scanItem.WorkShopId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ProductionLineId_Str, scanItem.ProductionLineId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ProductId_Str, scanItem.ProductId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.OrderId_Str, scanItem.OrderId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.MotorcycleTypeName_Str, scanItem.MotorcycleTypeName)
+// );
+// // 产品朔源记录
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_ProductionRecord.Insert(
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ProductionRecord.StartTime_Dt, DateTime.Now.Format()),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ProductionRecord.WorkShopId_Str, scanItem.WorkShopId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ProductionRecord.ProductionLineId_Str, scanItem.ProductionLineId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ProductionRecord.ProductId_Str, scanItem.ProductId)
+// );
+// // 生产状态为“待生产”
+// var taskInfo = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.OrderId == scanItem.OrderId && t.WorkShopId == scanItem.WorkShopId
+// && t.ProductionLineId == scanItem.ProductionLineId && t.OrderState == "待生产").ToList();
+// if (taskInfo == null)
+// return;
+// if (taskInfo.Count <= 0)
+// return;
+// // 开始时间是否为默认值 new DateTime()
+// var firstWorkingTask = taskInfo.Where(t => t.WorkStartTime == new DateTime()).ToList();
+// if (firstWorkingTask.Count > 0)
+// {
+// // 开始时间为默认值
+// // 第一次生产更新开始生产时间和生产状态
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"OrderId_Str='{scanItem.OrderId}' AND WorkShopId_Str='{scanItem.WorkShopId}' AND ProductionLineId_Str='{scanItem.ProductionLineId}'",
+// new UpdateItem(SqlSchema.DBNames.T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.OrderState_Str, "生产中"),
+// new UpdateItem(SqlSchema.DBNames.T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.WorkStartTime_Dt, DateTime.Now.Format())
+// );
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// // 非第一次生产更新生产状态
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"OrderId_Str='{scanItem.OrderId}' AND WorkShopId_Str='{scanItem.WorkShopId}' AND ProductionLineId_Str='{scanItem.ProductionLineId}'",
+// new UpdateItem(SqlSchema.DBNames.T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.OrderState_Str, "生产中")
+// );
+// }
+// }
+// #endregion
+// #region 下料
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 下料
+// /// </summary>
+// /// <param name="e">扫码信息</param>
+// public void LineExport(DataReceivedEventArg e)
+// {
+// string scanMsg = e.ReceiveMsg;
+// if (IsDev)
+// {
+// // 测试
+// scanMsg = "33333333333";
+// }
+// // 条形码
+// if (scanMsg == "") // 空信息
+// {
+// Log.Debug("空信息");
+// return;
+// }
+// if (lastScanCode == scanMsg && !IsDev) // 重复扫码,调试允许重复
+// {
+// Log.Debug("重复扫码");
+// return;
+// }
+// lastScanCode = scanMsg;
+// // 升序取最新的数据
+// ScanRecordModel scanRecord = DAL.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.GetData<ScanRecordModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.ProductId == scanMsg && t.ScannerId == "上料扫码枪")
+// .OrderBy(t => t.ID).LastOrDefault();
+// if (scanRecord == null)
+// {
+// //CustomerEnv.CurrentOrderId = $"请先将“{scanMsg}”绑定车型";
+// //CustomerEnv.CurrentMotorcycleTypeName = "";
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = -1;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = "";
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = $"请先将\r\n“{scanMsg}”\r\n绑定车型";
+// Log.Warn($"请先将“{scanMsg}”绑定车型");
+// return;
+// }
+// currentOrderId = scanRecord.OrderId;
+// currentMotorcycleTypeName = scanRecord.MotorcycleTypeName;
+// //CustomerEnv.CurrentOrderId = currentOrderId;
+// //CustomerEnv.CurrentMotorcycleTypeName = currentMotorcycleTypeName;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderId = currentOrderId;
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.MotorcycleTypeName = currentMotorcycleTypeName;
+// var taskInfo = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.OrderId == currentOrderId
+// && t.WorkShopId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId
+// && t.ProductionLineId == CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId)
+// .OrderBy(t => t.ID).Last();
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.OrderSequence = taskInfo.OrderSequence;
+// // 进队列
+// scanQueue.Enqueue(new ScanRecordModel
+// {
+// ScannerId = "下料扫码枪",
+// ScanData = scanMsg,
+// WorkShopId = CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.WorkShopId,
+// ProductionLineId = CustomerEnv.ProductionLineConfigValue.ProductionLineId,
+// ProductId = scanMsg,
+// OrderId = currentOrderId,
+// MotorcycleTypeName = currentMotorcycleTypeName
+// });
+// CustomerEnv.ScanList.Add(scanMsg); // 显示用
+// if (CustomerEnv.ScanList.Count > 10)
+// {
+// CustomerEnv.ScanList.RemoveAt(0);
+// }
+// }
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 下料同步队列
+// /// </summary>
+// public void ExportSyncQueue()
+// {
+// // 出队列
+// ScanRecordModel scanItem = scanQueue.Dequeue() as ScanRecordModel;
+// //CustomerEnv.ScanList.RemoveAt(0);
+// // 保存下料记录
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.Insert(
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ScannerId_Str, scanItem.ScannerId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ScanData_Str, scanItem.ScanData),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.WorkShopId_Str, scanItem.WorkShopId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ProductionLineId_Str, scanItem.ProductionLineId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.ProductId_Str, scanItem.ProductId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.OrderId_Str, scanItem.OrderId),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_ScanRecord.MotorcycleTypeName_Str, scanItem.MotorcycleTypeName)
+// );
+// var taskInfo = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.OrderId == scanItem.OrderId && t.WorkShopId == scanItem.WorkShopId
+// && t.OrderState != "已生产" && t.ProductionLineId == scanItem.ProductionLineId)
+// .OrderBy(t => t.ID).LastOrDefault();
+// if (taskInfo == null)
+// {
+// Log.Warn($"“{scanItem.OrderId}”-查无生产的订单,请确认订单信息及状态!");
+// return;
+// }
+// // 更新工单
+// // 计数
+// //DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"OrderId_Str='{scanItem.OrderId}' AND WorkShopId_Str='{scanItem.WorkShopId}' AND ProductionLineId_Str='{scanItem.ProductionLineId}'",
+// // new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.CurrentProduction_Int, taskInfo.CurrentProduction + 1));
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"ID={taskInfo.ID}",
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.CurrentProduction_Int, taskInfo.CurrentProduction + 1));
+// CustomerEnv.CurrentTaskInfo.CurrentProduction = taskInfo.CurrentProduction + 1;
+// if (taskInfo.CurrentProduction + 1 >= taskInfo.ScheduledProduction)
+// {
+// // 结束生产
+// var dateDiff = (DateTime.Now - taskInfo.WorkStartTime).TotalSeconds.ToInt(); // 时间差/s
+// //DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"OrderId_Str='{scanItem.OrderId}' AND WorkShopId_Str='{scanItem.WorkShopId}' AND ProductionLineId_Str='{scanItem.ProductionLineId}'",
+// // new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.WorkEndTime_Dt, DateTime.Now.Format()),
+// // new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.DurationSec_Int, dateDiff),
+// // new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.OrderState_Str, "已生产")
+// //);
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"ID={taskInfo.ID}",
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.WorkEndTime_Dt, DateTime.Now.Format()),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.DurationSec_Int, dateDiff),
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.OrderState_Str, "已生产")
+// );
+// //// 更新API缓存
+// //if (tableCacheItem != null)
+// //{
+// // tableCacheItem.WorkEndTime = DateTime.Now;
+// // tableCacheItem.DurationSec = dateDiff;
+// // tableCacheItem.OrderState = "已生产";
+// //}
+// }
+// // 更新产品记录
+// DAL.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE APP_TaiLing_ProductionRecord SET EndTime_Dt=GETDATE(), " +
+// "DurationSec_Int=DATEDIFF(s, StartTime_Dt, GETDATE()), ModifyTime_Dt=GETDATE() " +
+// $"WHERE ProductId_Str='{scanItem.ProductId}' AND WorkShopId_Str='{scanItem.WorkShopId}' " +
+// $"AND ProductionLineId_Str='{scanItem.ProductionLineId}'");
+// // 切换生产工单
+// //if (currentOrderId != lastOrderId)
+// if (taskInfo.ID != lastId)
+// {
+// // 表示该订单已被切换了
+// //var oldTaskInfo = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// // .Where(t => t.OrderId == lastOrderId).OrderBy(t => t.ID)
+// // .Select(t => t.OrderState).LastOrDefault();
+// var oldTaskInfo = DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.GetData<TaskManagementModel>()?
+// .Where(t => t.ID == lastId).Select(t => t.OrderState).LastOrDefault();
+// //if (oldTaskInfo == null)
+// // return;
+// if (oldTaskInfo == "生产中")
+// {
+// //DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"OrderId_Str='{lastOrderId}' AND WorkShopId_Str='{scanItem.WorkShopId}' AND ProductionLineId_Str='{scanItem.ProductionLineId}'",
+// // new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.OrderState_Str, "待生产"));
+// DAL.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.Update($"ID={lastId}",
+// new UpdateItem(T_Col_Name.APP_TaiLing_TaskManagement.OrderState_Str, "待生产"));
+// }
+// //lastOrderId = currentOrderId;
+// lastId = taskInfo.ID;
+// Log.Debug($"工单已切换为:{lastOrderId}");
+// }
+// }
+// #endregion
+// ///// <summary>
+// ///// 取出缓存表的数据
+// ///// </summary>
+// ///// <param name="filter"></param>
+// ///// <returns></returns>
+// //private TaskManagementModel GetTableCacheItem(string filter)
+// //{
+// // if (CustomerEnv.TaskInfoCache.Count <= 0)
+// // return null;
+// // var result = CustomerEnv.TaskInfoCache.Where(t => t.OrderId == filter)
+// // .OrderBy(t => t.ID).LastOrDefault();
+// // return result;
+// //}
+// /// <summary>
+// /// 释放非托管资源
+// /// </summary>
+// public override void Dispose()
+// {
+// Env.Schedual.DateTimeChanged -= Schedual_DateTimeChanged; // 销毁定时器
+// base.Dispose();
+// }
+// }