@@ -1,689 +1,689 @@
- <div id="index" ref="appRef">
- <div class="bg">
- <dv-loading v-if="loading">Loading...</dv-loading>
- <div v-else class="host-body">
- <headTitle :lineName="ProductionLineName"></headTitle>
- <localTime></localTime>
- <div class="body-box" style="padding-top: 10px;">
- <!-- 第三行数据 -->
- <div class="content-box">
- </div>
- <!-- 第四行数据 -->
- <div class="bottom-box">
- <dv-border-box-12>
- <!-- <bottomRight /> -->
- <div class="orderWorking" style="width:100%;height:430px;padding: 20px;">
- <dv-scroll-board :config="config" />
- </div>
- <div style="width:100%;height:370px;padding: 20px;">
- <dv-scroll-board :config="config1" />
- </div>
- </dv-border-box-12>
- </div>
- <!--底部四个数据-->
- <div class="buttomBox">
- <dv-border-box-8>
- <div class="buttomBox-items">
- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">
- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />
- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当日产量/辆</span>
- </div>
- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{dayOutput}}</span>
- </div>
- </dv-border-box-8>
- <dv-border-box-8>
- <div class="buttomBox-items">
- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">
- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />
- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当月产量/辆</span>
- </div>
- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{MonthOutput}}</span>
- </div>
- </dv-border-box-8>
- <dv-border-box-8>
- <div class="buttomBox-items">
- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">
- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />
- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">累计产量/辆</span>
- </div>
- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{TotalOutput}}</span>
- </div>
- </dv-border-box-8>
- <dv-border-box-8>
- <div class="buttomBox-items">
- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">
- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />
- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当天异常次数</span>
- </div>
- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{alarmCount}}</span>
- </div>
- </dv-border-box-8>
- <dv-border-box-8>
- <div class="buttomBox-items">
- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">
- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />
- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当天异常时间</span>
- </div>
- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{alarmTime}}</span>
- </div>
- </dv-border-box-8>
- </div>
- <!-- <div>{{test}}</div> -->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- <div>{{test}}</div> -->
- <!-- <el-button type="text" id="fullScreenBtn" @click="onclick"></el-button> -->
- <el-dialog :visible.sync="alarmDialogVisible" width="100%" height="80%"
- style="margin-bottom: 10px;overflow-y: auto;" :show-close="false" :modal-append-to-body="false">
- <!-- <dv-border-box-7 :color="['red', 'orange']" padding: 0.5rem,background: rgba(255, 2, 6, 0.2),> -->
- <div style="width:100%;height:1050px;display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
- <div :style="[{height:(stateArr.length == 1 ? '100%' : stateArr.length == 2 ? '50%' : '33.3%'),
- margin: '0.3rem',
- background: (stateArr[index].state) == '停止' ? 'rgba(255, 2, 6, 0.3)' : (stateArr[index].state) == '求助' ? 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)' : 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)'}]"
- v-for="(item,index) in stateArr" :key="index">
- <!-- <el-table :data="tableData" border="true" style="width: 100%;background-color: transparent;"
- :row-class-name="tableRowClassName">
- <el-table-column prop="state" label="报警类型" width="300">
- </el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="stateNum" label="工位号" width="1100">
- </el-table-column>
- <el-table-column prop="time" label="触发时间" width="500">
- </el-table-column>
- </el-table> -->
- <conpenttest :state="stateArr[index].state" :stationNumber="stateArr[index].stationNumber">
- </conpenttest>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- </dv-border-box-7> -->
- </el-dialog>
- <!-- <el-dialog>
- <div style="width: 100%;height: 100%;background-image: url("../../static/img/announcementBackground.png");">
- </div>
- </el-dialog> -->
- <el-dialog :visible.sync="announcementDialogVisible" width="100%" height="100%"
- style="margin-bottom: 10px;overflow-y: auto;" :show-close="false" class="announcementDialog"
- :modal-append-to-body="false">
- <div style="width: 100%;height: 1080px;">
- <announcement :title="announcementTitle" :content="announcementContent"
- :titleFontSize="announcementTitleSize" :contentFontSize="announcementContentSize">
- </announcement>
- </div>
- </el-dialog>
- </div>
- </div>
- import drawMixin from "../utils/drawMixin";
- import headTitle from "./head.vue";
- import localTime from "./localTime.vue";
- import conpenttest from "./AlarmModel.vue";
- import announcement from './announcementModel.vue'
- // import Vue from 'vue'
- var that = require("../api/product");
- var notice = [];
- var configAlign = ['center', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center'];
- var configColumnWidth = [500, 570, 245, 245, 240]
- var configWaitTime = 5000;
- export default {
- mixins: [drawMixin],
- data() {
- return {
- dayOutput: 0,
- MonthOutput: 0,
- TotalOutput: 0,
- alarmCount: 0,
- alarmTime: '00:00:00',
- stateArr: [],
- height: 500,
- tableData: [],
- announcementTitle: '',
- announcementContent: '',
- announcementTitleSize: '',
- announcementContentSize: '',
- alarmDialogVisible: false,
- announcementDialogVisible: false,
- ProductionLineId: '',
- WorkShopId: '',
- ProductionLineName: '生产看板',
- title: '测试',
- loading: true,
- decorationColor: ['#568aea', '#000000'],
- config: {
- header: ['工单顺序-生产中', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],
- data: [],
- index: false,
- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,
- waitTime: configWaitTime,
- rowNum: 2,
- align: configAlign
- },
- config1: {
- header: ['工单顺序-待生产', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],
- data: [],
- index: false,
- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,
- waitTime: configWaitTime,
- rowNum: 2,
- align: configAlign
- },
- }
- },
- components: {
- headTitle,
- localTime,
- conpenttest,
- announcement
- // el-dialog,
- // el-table,
- // el-table-column
- },
- mounted() {
- // document.getElementById("fullScreenBtn").click();
- // this.test = this.$BaseUrl.BaseUrl;
- // console.log(this.$BaseUrl);
- console.log("process.env = " + process.env.NODE_ENV);
- console.log("process.env =", process.env);
- var isGetInfo = false;
- //获取产线信息
- that.GetProductionLineInfo().then(res => {
- var resData = res.Data
- isGetInfo = true;
- this.ProductionLineId = resData.ProductionLineId;
- this.WorkShopId = resData.WorkShopId;
- this.ProductionLineName = resData.ProductionLineName + "生产看板";
- this.PlcName = resData.PlcName;
- // console.log(res);
- console.log("车间号=" + this.WorkShopId + ",产线号=" + this.ProductionLineId + ",产线名称=" + this
- .ProductionLineName + ",PLC名称 =" + this.PlcName);
- })
- //定义公告循环显示定时器
- var noticeInterval;
- var apiInterval = setInterval(() => {
- if (isGetInfo == false) {
- that.GetProductionLineInfo().then(res => {
- var resData = res.Data
- this.ProductionLineId = resData.ProductionLineId;
- this.WorkShopId = resData.WorkShopId;
- this.ProductionLineName = resData.ProductionLineName + "生产看板";
- // console.log(res);
- console.log("车间号=" + this.WorkShopId + ",产线号=" + this.ProductionLineId + ",产线名称=" +
- this
- .ProductionLineName);
- })
- }
- //订单详情接口
- that.GetTaskInfo([this.WorkShopId], [this.ProductionLineId]).then((num) => {
- //console.log(num.Data)
- let numData = num.Data;
- if (numData != null) {
- // var orderInfoCurrent = [];
- var workingInfoCurrent = [];
- var standbyInfoCurrent = [];
- //OrderState等于生产中
- num.Data.forEach(element => {
- let completionRate = element.CompletionRate * 100 + "%";
- let arr = [element.OrderSequence, element.MotorcycleTypeName,
- element.ScheduledProduction, element.CurrentProduction,
- completionRate
- ];
- if (element.OrderState == "生产中") {
- workingInfoCurrent.push(arr)
- } else {
- standbyInfoCurrent.push(arr)
- }
- // orderInfoCurrent.push(arr);
- })
- if (JSON.stringify(workingInfoCurrent) != JSON.stringify(this.config.data) ||
- JSON.stringify(standbyInfoCurrent) != JSON.stringify(this.config1.data)) {
- this.config = {
- header: ['工单顺序-生产中', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],
- data: workingInfoCurrent,
- index: false,
- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,
- waitTime: configWaitTime,
- rowNum: 2,
- align: configAlign
- };
- this.config1 = {
- header: ['工单顺序-待生产', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],
- data: standbyInfoCurrent,
- index: false,
- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,
- waitTime: configWaitTime,
- rowNum: 2,
- align: configAlign
- },
- console.log("轮播表的config已更新");
- }
- }
- }).catch(() => {
- this.$message({
- type: 'warning',
- message: '服务器连接失败'
- });
- });
- // 产量详情接口
- // that.GetOutputAndOrder([this.WorkShopId], [this.ProductionLineId]).then(res => {
- // let resData = res.Data;
- // if (resData != null) {
- // if (resData.length > 0) {
- // let localYearFullData = resData.filter(t => t.Year == new Date()
- // .getFullYear());
- // // console.log(localYearFullData);
- // if (localYearFullData.length > 0) {
- // this.MonthOutput = localYearFullData[0].Output[
- // `${new Date().getMonth() + 1}`];
- // // console.log("当前时间"+new Date());
- // // console.log(new Date().getMonth()+"月"+localYearFullData[0].Output[`${new Date().getMonth() +1}`]+"辆");
- // // console.log(localYearFullData[0].Output[`${new Date().getMonth()}`]);
- // //getMonth方法获取的是对应的索引值
- // this.MonthOrder = localYearFullData[0].OrderQuantity[
- // `${new Date().getMonth() + 1}`];
- // }
- // let outputTotal = 0;
- // let orderTotal = 0;
- // resData.forEach(element => {
- // for (let i in element.Output) {
- // outputTotal = outputTotal + element.Output[i];
- // }
- // for (let i in element.OrderQuantity) {
- // orderTotal = orderTotal + element.OrderQuantity[i];
- // }
- // });
- // this.TotalOutput = outputTotal;
- // this.TotalOrder = orderTotal;
- // }
- // }
- // })
- //产线数据接口
- that.GetLineOutput().then(res => {
- let resData = res.Data;
- // console.log(res.Data.length);
- if (resData.length > 0) {
- this.dayOutput = resData[0].日产量;
- this.MonthOutput = resData[0].月产量;
- this.TotalOutput = resData[0].总产量;
- // console.log("日产量+",resData[0].日产量);
- }
- });
- that.GetLineExceptionData().then(res => {
- let resData = res.Data;
- if (resData.length > 0) {
- this.alarmCount = resData[0].次数;
- //this.alarmTime = this.formateTime(resData[0].时长);
- }
- });
- that.GetLineExceptionTime().then(res => {
- let resData = res.Data;
- this.alarmTime = resData;
- // if (resData.length > 0) {
- // this.alarmTime = resData;
- // //this.alarmTime = this.formateTime(resData[0].时长);
- // }
- });
- //报警接口
- that.GerAlarms(this.PlcName).then(res => {
- let resData = res.Data;
- if (resData != null) {
- if (resData.length > 0) {
- var stateArrTemp = [];
- // resData.filter()
- resData.forEach(element => {
- // console.log(element.Desc);
- if (element.Desc != "停止计时" &&
- element.Desc != "缺料计时" &&
- element.Desc != "求助计时") {
- //Desc的格式
- let resDataDesc = element.Desc.split("#-");
- stateArrTemp.push({
- state: resDataDesc[1],
- stationNumber: resDataDesc[0]
- });
- }
- });
- var stateMergeArr = stateArrTemp.reduce((total, cur) => {
- if (total) {
- let hasValue = total.findIndex(current => {
- return current.state === cur.state
- })
- // total 中不包含这一项,则push到数组
- hasValue === -1 && total.push({
- state: cur.state,
- stationNumber: [cur.stationNumber]
- })
- // total 中包含这项,则push到对应工位上
- hasValue !== -1 && total[hasValue].stationNumber.push(cur
- .stationNumber)
- //return 是给到下一次的total的初始值
- return total
- }
- }, [])
- this.stateArr = stateMergeArr;
- if (this.announcementDialogVisible == true || stateArrTemp.length == 0) {
- this.alarmDialogVisible = false;
- } else if(stateArrTemp.length > 0){
- this.alarmDialogVisible = true;
- }
- // console.log(this.alarmDialogVisible)
- }
- else{
- this.alarmDialogVisible = false;
- }
- }
- });
- }, 1000)
- //直接在需要定时器的方法或者生命周期函数中声明并销毁
- var noticeApiInterval = setInterval(() => {
- //公告接口
- that.GetNoticeInfo().then(async (res) => {
- let resData = res.Data;
- //使用JSON.stringify判断两个数组是否相等
- if (JSON.stringify(notice) != JSON.stringify(resData)) {
- if (noticeInterval != null) {
- clearInterval(noticeInterval);
- //若下面销毁定时器,则下方使用showNotice方法时也要同时销毁,否则会出现多个定时器
- // noticeInterval = null;
- }
- notice = resData;
- if (resData.length > 0) {
- this.announcementTitle = notice[0].NoticeTitle;
- this.announcementContent = notice[0].NoticeContent;
- this.announcementTitleSize = notice[0].TitleFontSize + "px";
- this.announcementContentSize = notice[0].ContentFontSize + "px";
- var index = 1;
- var lenth = notice.length;
- //使用setInterval调用一次停止一次
- showNotice();
- var thisData = this;
- function showNotice() {
- noticeInterval = setInterval(() => {
- thisData.announcementTitle = notice[index % lenth]
- .NoticeTitle;
- thisData.announcementContent = notice[index % lenth]
- .NoticeContent;
- thisData.announcementTitleSize = notice[index % lenth]
- .TitleFontSize + "px";
- thisData.announcementContentSize = notice[index % lenth]
- .ContentFontSize + "px";
- index++;
- //clearInterval只会停止定时器,不会销毁对象
- clearInterval(noticeInterval);
- //若上面判断两个数组是否相等时执行销毁定时器,则此处也要同时销毁,否则会出现多个定时器
- // noticeInterval = null;
- showNotice();
- // console.log((index - 1) % lenth);
- }, notice[(index - 1) % lenth].DurationSec * 1000)
- }
- this.announcementDialogVisible = true;
- } else {
- this.announcementDialogVisible = false;
- }
- console.log("公告变化");
- }
- })
- }, 5000)
- this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', () => {
- clearInterval(apiInterval);
- apiInterval = null;
- clearInterval(noticeApiInterval);
- noticeApiInterval = null
- })
- this.cancelLoading();
- // this.onclick();
- // //获取当前月份的英文格式
- // console.log("month + " + new Date().toDateString().split(" ")[1]);
- // //获取当前年份
- // console.log("year = " + new Date().getFullYear());
- },
- beforeDestroy() {
- },
- showNotice() {
- },
- methods: {
- onclick() {
- document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen();
- // screenfull.toggle();
- },
- cancelLoading() {
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.loading = false
- }, 500)
- },
- formateTime(time) {
- const h = parseInt(time / 3600)
- const minute = parseInt(time / 60 % 60)
- const second = Math.ceil(time % 60)
- const hours = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h
- const formatSecond = second > 59 ? 59 : second
- // return `${hours > 0 ? `${hours}:` : ''}${minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute}:${formatSecond < 10 ? '0' + formatSecond : formatSecond}`
- return `${hours}:${minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute}:${formatSecond < 10 ? '0' + formatSecond : formatSecond}`
- },
- }
- }
-<style lang="scss">
- @import '../assets/scss/index.scss';
- .dv-scroll-board {
- .header-item {
- font-size: 2.7rem;
- font-weight: bold;
- height: 4.5rem !important;
- padding: 0;
- line-height: 4.5rem !important;
- }
- .rows {
- height: 9rem !important;
- .row-item {
- font-size: 3rem;
- height: 4.5rem !important;
- line-height: 4.5rem !important;
- }
- }
- }
- .orderWorking .dv-scroll-board {
- // .header-item {
- // font-size: 2.5rem;
- // font-weight: bold;
- // height: 4rem !important;
- // padding: 0;
- // line-height: 4rem !important;
- // }
- .rows {
- height: 11rem !important;
- .row-item {
- font-size: 4.5rem;
- height: 5.5rem !important;
- line-height: 5.5rem !important;
- }
- }
- }
- .buttomBox {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- height: 6rem;
- margin-top: 10px;
- }
- .buttomBox .dv-border-box-8 {
- margin-left: 10px;
- margin-right: 10px;
- }
- .announcementDialog .el-dialog__body {
- padding: 0px;
- }
- .buttomBox-items {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- justify-content: center;
- position: relative;
- align-items: center;
- height: 100%;
- }
- .buttomBox-items-title {
- display: flex;
- text-align: center;
- justify-content: center;
- height: 50%;
- }
- .buttomBox-items-title img {
- width: 1rem;
- height: 1rem;
- }
- .buttomBox-items-title-text {
- font-size: 1.8rem;
- color: white;
- }
- .buttomBox-items-data {
- font-size: 1.8rem;
- color: aqua;
- }
- .el-dialog {
- /* background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) !important; */
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;
- // border: rgb(255, 112, 46) 5px solid;
- backdrop-filter: blur(3px);
- margin-top: 0 !important;
- }
- .el-dialog__title {
- color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
- font-weight: 900;
- font-size: 3rem;
- color: red;
- line-height: 4.5rem;
- }
- .el-dialog__header {
- height: 0rem;
- color: #fff;
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- text-align: center;
- // box-shadow: 0 0 1.5vw rgb(97, 255, 255) inset;
- // background: linear-gradient(#74ffef, #74ffef) left top,
- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left top,
- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right top,
- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right top;
- /* linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,
- linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,
- linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom,
- linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom; */
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-size: 2px 20px, 20px 2px;
- padding: 0 !important;
- }
- .el-dialog__body {
- padding: 20px;
- color: #fff;
- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
- text-align: left;
- // box-shadow: 0 0 1.5vw rgb(57, 255, 255) inset;
- // background:
- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,
- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,
- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom,
- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-size: 2px 20px, 20px 2px;
- }
- .el-table th.el-table__cell>.cell {
- height: 3rem;
- line-height: 3rem;
- font-size: 2rem;
- background-color: #00BAFF;
- color: white;
- }
- .el-table th.el-table__cell {
- padding: 0;
- }
- .el-table .stop-row {
- color: red;
- background-color: #003B51;
- }
- .el-table .needHelp-row {
- color: #ffe446;
- background-color: #003B51;
- }
- .el-table .less-row {
- color: lime;
- background-color: #0A2732;
- }
- //表格内容行设置
- .el-table__cell .cell {
- padding: 0;
- line-height: 7rem;
- //background: lightblue;
- font-size: 5rem;
- }
- .el-table .el-table__cell {
- padding: 0;
- // height: 6rem;
- }
- .el-table__row {
- padding: 0;
- color: white;
- }
+<!-- <div id="index" ref="appRef">-->
+<!-- <div class="bg">-->
+<!-- <dv-loading v-if="loading">Loading...</dv-loading>-->
+<!-- <div v-else class="host-body">-->
+<!-- <headTitle :lineName="ProductionLineName"></headTitle>-->
+<!-- <localTime></localTime>-->
+<!-- <div class="body-box" style="padding-top: 10px;">-->
+<!-- <!– 第三行数据 –>-->
+<!-- <div class="content-box">-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <!– 第四行数据 –>-->
+<!-- <div class="bottom-box">-->
+<!-- <dv-border-box-12>-->
+<!-- <!– <bottomRight /> –>-->
+<!-- <div class="orderWorking" style="width:100%;height:430px;padding: 20px;">-->
+<!-- <dv-scroll-board :config="config" />-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <div style="width:100%;height:370px;padding: 20px;">-->
+<!-- <dv-scroll-board :config="config1" />-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </dv-border-box-12>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <!–底部四个数据–>-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox">-->
+<!-- <dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items">-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">-->
+<!-- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当日产量/辆</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{dayOutput}}</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items">-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">-->
+<!-- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当月产量/辆</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{MonthOutput}}</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items">-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">-->
+<!-- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">累计产量/辆</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{TotalOutput}}</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items">-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">-->
+<!-- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当天异常次数</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{alarmCount}}</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items">-->
+<!-- <div class="buttomBox-items-title">-->
+<!-- <img src="../../static/img/Title_Icon.png" />-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-title-text">当天异常时间</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <span class="buttomBox-items-data">{{alarmTime}}</span>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </dv-border-box-8>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <!– <div>{{test}}</div> –>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <!– <div>{{test}}</div> –>-->
+<!-- <!– <el-button type="text" id="fullScreenBtn" @click="onclick"></el-button> –>-->
+<!-- <el-dialog :visible.sync="alarmDialogVisible" width="100%" height="80%"-->
+<!-- style="margin-bottom: 10px;overflow-y: auto;" :show-close="false" :modal-append-to-body="false">-->
+<!-- <!– <dv-border-box-7 :color="['red', 'orange']" padding: 0.5rem,background: rgba(255, 2, 6, 0.2),> –>-->
+<!-- <div style="width:100%;height:1050px;display: flex; flex-direction: column;">-->
+<!-- <div :style="[{height:(stateArr.length == 1 ? '100%' : stateArr.length == 2 ? '50%' : '33.3%'),-->
+<!-- margin: '0.3rem',-->
+<!-- background: (stateArr[index].state) == '停止' ? 'rgba(255, 2, 6, 0.3)' : (stateArr[index].state) == '求助' ? 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)' : 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)'}]"-->
+<!-- v-for="(item,index) in stateArr" :key="index">-->
+<!-- <!– <el-table :data="tableData" border="true" style="width: 100%;background-color: transparent;"-->
+<!-- :row-class-name="tableRowClassName">-->
+<!-- <el-table-column prop="state" label="报警类型" width="300">-->
+<!-- </el-table-column>-->
+<!-- <el-table-column prop="stateNum" label="工位号" width="1100">-->
+<!-- </el-table-column>-->
+<!-- <el-table-column prop="time" label="触发时间" width="500">-->
+<!-- </el-table-column>-->
+<!-- </el-table> –>-->
+<!-- <conpenttest :state="stateArr[index].state" :stationNumber="stateArr[index].stationNumber">-->
+<!-- </conpenttest>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- <!– </dv-border-box-7> –>-->
+<!-- </el-dialog>-->
+<!-- <!– <el-dialog>-->
+<!-- <div style="width: 100%;height: 100%;background-image: url("../../static/img/announcementBackground.png");">-->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </el-dialog> –>-->
+<!-- <el-dialog :visible.sync="announcementDialogVisible" width="100%" height="100%"-->
+<!-- style="margin-bottom: 10px;overflow-y: auto;" :show-close="false" class="announcementDialog"-->
+<!-- :modal-append-to-body="false">-->
+<!-- <div style="width: 100%;height: 1080px;">-->
+<!-- <announcement :title="announcementTitle" :content="announcementContent"-->
+<!-- :titleFontSize="announcementTitleSize" :contentFontSize="announcementContentSize">-->
+<!-- </announcement>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </el-dialog>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- </div>-->
+<!-- import drawMixin from "../utils/drawMixin";-->
+<!-- import headTitle from "./head.vue";-->
+<!-- import localTime from "./localTime.vue";-->
+<!-- import conpenttest from "./AlarmModel.vue";-->
+<!-- import announcement from './announcementModel.vue'-->
+<!-- // import Vue from 'vue'-->
+<!-- var that = require("../api/product");-->
+<!-- var notice = [];-->
+<!-- var configAlign = ['center', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center'];-->
+<!-- var configColumnWidth = [500, 570, 245, 245, 240]-->
+<!-- var configWaitTime = 5000;-->
+<!-- export default {-->
+<!-- mixins: [drawMixin],-->
+<!-- data() {-->
+<!-- return {-->
+<!-- dayOutput: 0,-->
+<!-- MonthOutput: 0,-->
+<!-- TotalOutput: 0,-->
+<!-- alarmCount: 0,-->
+<!-- alarmTime: '00:00:00',-->
+<!-- stateArr: [],-->
+<!-- height: 500,-->
+<!-- tableData: [],-->
+<!-- announcementTitle: '',-->
+<!-- announcementContent: '',-->
+<!-- announcementTitleSize: '',-->
+<!-- announcementContentSize: '',-->
+<!-- alarmDialogVisible: false,-->
+<!-- announcementDialogVisible: false,-->
+<!-- ProductionLineId: '',-->
+<!-- WorkShopId: '',-->
+<!-- ProductionLineName: '生产看板',-->
+<!-- title: '测试',-->
+<!-- loading: true,-->
+<!-- decorationColor: ['#568aea', '#000000'],-->
+<!-- config: {-->
+<!-- header: ['工单顺序-生产中', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],-->
+<!-- data: [],-->
+<!-- index: false,-->
+<!-- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,-->
+<!-- waitTime: configWaitTime,-->
+<!-- rowNum: 2,-->
+<!-- align: configAlign-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- config1: {-->
+<!-- header: ['工单顺序-待生产', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],-->
+<!-- data: [],-->
+<!-- index: false,-->
+<!-- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,-->
+<!-- waitTime: configWaitTime,-->
+<!-- rowNum: 2,-->
+<!-- align: configAlign-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- components: {-->
+<!-- headTitle,-->
+<!-- localTime,-->
+<!-- conpenttest,-->
+<!-- announcement-->
+<!-- // el-dialog,-->
+<!-- // el-table,-->
+<!-- // el-table-column-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- mounted() {-->
+<!-- // document.getElementById("fullScreenBtn").click();-->
+<!-- // this.test = this.$BaseUrl.BaseUrl;-->
+<!-- // console.log(this.$BaseUrl);-->
+<!-- console.log("process.env = " + process.env.NODE_ENV);-->
+<!-- console.log("process.env =", process.env);-->
+<!-- var isGetInfo = false;-->
+<!-- //获取产线信息-->
+<!-- that.GetProductionLineInfo().then(res => {-->
+<!-- var resData = res.Data-->
+<!-- isGetInfo = true;-->
+<!-- this.ProductionLineId = resData.ProductionLineId;-->
+<!-- this.WorkShopId = resData.WorkShopId;-->
+<!-- this.ProductionLineName = resData.ProductionLineName + "生产看板";-->
+<!-- this.PlcName = resData.PlcName;-->
+<!-- // console.log(res);-->
+<!-- console.log("车间号=" + this.WorkShopId + ",产线号=" + this.ProductionLineId + ",产线名称=" + this-->
+<!-- .ProductionLineName + ",PLC名称 =" + this.PlcName);-->
+<!-- })-->
+<!-- //定义公告循环显示定时器-->
+<!-- var noticeInterval;-->
+<!-- var apiInterval = setInterval(() => {-->
+<!-- if (isGetInfo == false) {-->
+<!-- that.GetProductionLineInfo().then(res => {-->
+<!-- var resData = res.Data-->
+<!-- this.ProductionLineId = resData.ProductionLineId;-->
+<!-- this.WorkShopId = resData.WorkShopId;-->
+<!-- this.ProductionLineName = resData.ProductionLineName + "生产看板";-->
+<!-- // console.log(res);-->
+<!-- console.log("车间号=" + this.WorkShopId + ",产线号=" + this.ProductionLineId + ",产线名称=" +-->
+<!-- this-->
+<!-- .ProductionLineName);-->
+<!-- })-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- //订单详情接口-->
+<!-- that.GetTaskInfo([this.WorkShopId], [this.ProductionLineId]).then((num) => {-->
+<!-- //console.log(num.Data)-->
+<!-- let numData = num.Data;-->
+<!-- if (numData != null) {-->
+<!-- // var orderInfoCurrent = [];-->
+<!-- var workingInfoCurrent = [];-->
+<!-- var standbyInfoCurrent = [];-->
+<!-- //OrderState等于生产中-->
+<!-- num.Data.forEach(element => {-->
+<!-- let completionRate = element.CompletionRate * 100 + "%";-->
+<!-- let arr = [element.OrderSequence, element.MotorcycleTypeName,-->
+<!-- element.ScheduledProduction, element.CurrentProduction,-->
+<!-- completionRate-->
+<!-- ];-->
+<!-- if (element.OrderState == "生产中") {-->
+<!-- workingInfoCurrent.push(arr)-->
+<!-- } else {-->
+<!-- standbyInfoCurrent.push(arr)-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- // orderInfoCurrent.push(arr);-->
+<!-- })-->
+<!-- if (JSON.stringify(workingInfoCurrent) != JSON.stringify(this.config.data) ||-->
+<!-- JSON.stringify(standbyInfoCurrent) != JSON.stringify(this.config1.data)) {-->
+<!-- this.config = {-->
+<!-- header: ['工单顺序-生产中', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],-->
+<!-- data: workingInfoCurrent,-->
+<!-- index: false,-->
+<!-- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,-->
+<!-- waitTime: configWaitTime,-->
+<!-- rowNum: 2,-->
+<!-- align: configAlign-->
+<!-- };-->
+<!-- this.config1 = {-->
+<!-- header: ['工单顺序-待生产', '车型', '计划', '完成', '达成率'],-->
+<!-- data: standbyInfoCurrent,-->
+<!-- index: false,-->
+<!-- columnWidth: configColumnWidth,-->
+<!-- waitTime: configWaitTime,-->
+<!-- rowNum: 2,-->
+<!-- align: configAlign-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- console.log("轮播表的config已更新");-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }).catch(() => {-->
+<!-- this.$message({-->
+<!-- type: 'warning',-->
+<!-- message: '服务器连接失败'-->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- // 产量详情接口-->
+<!-- // that.GetOutputAndOrder([this.WorkShopId], [this.ProductionLineId]).then(res => {-->
+<!-- // let resData = res.Data;-->
+<!-- // if (resData != null) {-->
+<!-- // if (resData.length > 0) {-->
+<!-- // let localYearFullData = resData.filter(t => t.Year == new Date()-->
+<!-- // .getFullYear());-->
+<!-- // // console.log(localYearFullData);-->
+<!-- // if (localYearFullData.length > 0) {-->
+<!-- // this.MonthOutput = localYearFullData[0].Output[-->
+<!-- // `${new Date().getMonth() + 1}`];-->
+<!-- // // console.log("当前时间"+new Date());-->
+<!-- // // console.log(new Date().getMonth()+"月"+localYearFullData[0].Output[`${new Date().getMonth() +1}`]+"辆");-->
+<!-- // // console.log(localYearFullData[0].Output[`${new Date().getMonth()}`]);-->
+<!-- // //getMonth方法获取的是对应的索引值-->
+<!-- // this.MonthOrder = localYearFullData[0].OrderQuantity[-->
+<!-- // `${new Date().getMonth() + 1}`];-->
+<!-- // }-->
+<!-- // let outputTotal = 0;-->
+<!-- // let orderTotal = 0;-->
+<!-- // resData.forEach(element => {-->
+<!-- // for (let i in element.Output) {-->
+<!-- // outputTotal = outputTotal + element.Output[i];-->
+<!-- // }-->
+<!-- // for (let i in element.OrderQuantity) {-->
+<!-- // orderTotal = orderTotal + element.OrderQuantity[i];-->
+<!-- // }-->
+<!-- // });-->
+<!-- // this.TotalOutput = outputTotal;-->
+<!-- // this.TotalOrder = orderTotal;-->
+<!-- // }-->
+<!-- // }-->
+<!-- // })-->
+<!-- //产线数据接口-->
+<!-- that.GetLineOutput().then(res => {-->
+<!-- let resData = res.Data;-->
+<!-- // console.log(res.Data.length);-->
+<!-- if (resData.length > 0) {-->
+<!-- this.dayOutput = resData[0].日产量;-->
+<!-- this.MonthOutput = resData[0].月产量;-->
+<!-- this.TotalOutput = resData[0].总产量;-->
+<!-- // console.log("日产量+",resData[0].日产量);-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- that.GetLineExceptionData().then(res => {-->
+<!-- let resData = res.Data;-->
+<!-- if (resData.length > 0) {-->
+<!-- this.alarmCount = resData[0].次数;-->
+<!-- //this.alarmTime = this.formateTime(resData[0].时长);-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- that.GetLineExceptionTime().then(res => {-->
+<!-- let resData = res.Data;-->
+<!-- this.alarmTime = resData;-->
+<!-- // if (resData.length > 0) {-->
+<!-- // this.alarmTime = resData;-->
+<!-- // //this.alarmTime = this.formateTime(resData[0].时长);-->
+<!-- // }-->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- //报警接口-->
+<!-- that.GerAlarms(this.PlcName).then(res => {-->
+<!-- let resData = res.Data;-->
+<!-- if (resData != null) {-->
+<!-- if (resData.length > 0) {-->
+<!-- var stateArrTemp = [];-->
+<!-- // resData.filter()-->
+<!-- resData.forEach(element => {-->
+<!-- // console.log(element.Desc);-->
+<!-- if (element.Desc != "停止计时" &&-->
+<!-- element.Desc != "缺料计时" &&-->
+<!-- element.Desc != "求助计时") {-->
+<!-- //Desc的格式-->
+<!-- let resDataDesc = element.Desc.split("#-");-->
+<!-- stateArrTemp.push({-->
+<!-- state: resDataDesc[1],-->
+<!-- stationNumber: resDataDesc[0]-->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- var stateMergeArr = stateArrTemp.reduce((total, cur) => {-->
+<!-- if (total) {-->
+<!-- let hasValue = total.findIndex(current => {-->
+<!-- return current.state === cur.state-->
+<!-- })-->
+<!-- // total 中不包含这一项,则push到数组-->
+<!-- hasValue === -1 && total.push({-->
+<!-- state: cur.state,-->
+<!-- stationNumber: [cur.stationNumber]-->
+<!-- })-->
+<!-- // total 中包含这项,则push到对应工位上-->
+<!-- hasValue !== -1 && total[hasValue].stationNumber.push(cur-->
+<!-- .stationNumber)-->
+<!-- //return 是给到下一次的total的初始值-->
+<!-- return total-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }, [])-->
+<!-- this.stateArr = stateMergeArr;-->
+<!-- if (this.announcementDialogVisible == true || stateArrTemp.length == 0) {-->
+<!-- this.alarmDialogVisible = false;-->
+<!-- } else if(stateArrTemp.length > 0){-->
+<!-- this.alarmDialogVisible = true;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- // console.log(this.alarmDialogVisible)-->
+<!-- } -->
+<!-- else{-->
+<!-- this.alarmDialogVisible = false;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- });-->
+<!-- }, 1000)-->
+<!-- //直接在需要定时器的方法或者生命周期函数中声明并销毁-->
+<!-- var noticeApiInterval = setInterval(() => {-->
+<!-- //公告接口-->
+<!-- that.GetNoticeInfo().then(async (res) => {-->
+<!-- let resData = res.Data;-->
+<!-- //使用JSON.stringify判断两个数组是否相等-->
+<!-- if (JSON.stringify(notice) != JSON.stringify(resData)) {-->
+<!-- if (noticeInterval != null) {-->
+<!-- clearInterval(noticeInterval);-->
+<!-- //若下面销毁定时器,则下方使用showNotice方法时也要同时销毁,否则会出现多个定时器-->
+<!-- // noticeInterval = null;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- notice = resData;-->
+<!-- if (resData.length > 0) {-->
+<!-- this.announcementTitle = notice[0].NoticeTitle;-->
+<!-- this.announcementContent = notice[0].NoticeContent;-->
+<!-- this.announcementTitleSize = notice[0].TitleFontSize + "px";-->
+<!-- this.announcementContentSize = notice[0].ContentFontSize + "px";-->
+<!-- var index = 1;-->
+<!-- var lenth = notice.length;-->
+<!-- //使用setInterval调用一次停止一次-->
+<!-- showNotice();-->
+<!-- var thisData = this;-->
+<!-- function showNotice() {-->
+<!-- noticeInterval = setInterval(() => {-->
+<!-- thisData.announcementTitle = notice[index % lenth]-->
+<!-- .NoticeTitle;-->
+<!-- thisData.announcementContent = notice[index % lenth]-->
+<!-- .NoticeContent;-->
+<!-- thisData.announcementTitleSize = notice[index % lenth]-->
+<!-- .TitleFontSize + "px";-->
+<!-- thisData.announcementContentSize = notice[index % lenth]-->
+<!-- .ContentFontSize + "px";-->
+<!-- index++;-->
+<!-- //clearInterval只会停止定时器,不会销毁对象-->
+<!-- clearInterval(noticeInterval);-->
+<!-- //若上面判断两个数组是否相等时执行销毁定时器,则此处也要同时销毁,否则会出现多个定时器-->
+<!-- // noticeInterval = null;-->
+<!-- showNotice();-->
+<!-- // console.log((index - 1) % lenth);-->
+<!-- }, notice[(index - 1) % lenth].DurationSec * 1000)-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- this.announcementDialogVisible = true;-->
+<!-- } else {-->
+<!-- this.announcementDialogVisible = false;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- console.log("公告变化");-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- })-->
+<!-- }, 5000)-->
+<!-- this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', () => {-->
+<!-- clearInterval(apiInterval);-->
+<!-- apiInterval = null;-->
+<!-- clearInterval(noticeApiInterval);-->
+<!-- noticeApiInterval = null-->
+<!-- })-->
+<!-- this.cancelLoading();-->
+<!-- // this.onclick();-->
+<!-- // //获取当前月份的英文格式-->
+<!-- // console.log("month + " + new Date().toDateString().split(" ")[1]);-->
+<!-- // //获取当前年份-->
+<!-- // console.log("year = " + new Date().getFullYear());-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- beforeDestroy() {-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- showNotice() {-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- methods: {-->
+<!-- onclick() {-->
+<!-- document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen();-->
+<!-- // screenfull.toggle();-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- cancelLoading() {-->
+<!-- setTimeout(() => {-->
+<!-- this.loading = false-->
+<!-- }, 500)-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- formateTime(time) {-->
+<!-- const h = parseInt(time / 3600)-->
+<!-- const minute = parseInt(time / 60 % 60)-->
+<!-- const second = Math.ceil(time % 60)-->
+<!-- const hours = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h-->
+<!-- const formatSecond = second > 59 ? 59 : second-->
+<!-- // return `${hours > 0 ? `${hours}:` : ''}${minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute}:${formatSecond < 10 ? '0' + formatSecond : formatSecond}`-->
+<!-- return `${hours}:${minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute}:${formatSecond < 10 ? '0' + formatSecond : formatSecond}`-->
+<!-- },-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!--<style lang="scss">-->
+<!-- @import '../assets/scss/index.scss';-->
+<!-- .dv-scroll-board {-->
+<!-- .header-item {-->
+<!-- font-size: 2.7rem;-->
+<!-- font-weight: bold;-->
+<!-- height: 4.5rem !important;-->
+<!-- padding: 0;-->
+<!-- line-height: 4.5rem !important;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .rows {-->
+<!-- height: 9rem !important;-->
+<!-- .row-item {-->
+<!-- font-size: 3rem;-->
+<!-- height: 4.5rem !important;-->
+<!-- line-height: 4.5rem !important;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .orderWorking .dv-scroll-board {-->
+<!-- // .header-item {-->
+<!-- // font-size: 2.5rem;-->
+<!-- // font-weight: bold;-->
+<!-- // height: 4rem !important;-->
+<!-- // padding: 0;-->
+<!-- // line-height: 4rem !important;-->
+<!-- // }-->
+<!-- .rows {-->
+<!-- height: 11rem !important;-->
+<!-- .row-item {-->
+<!-- font-size: 4.5rem;-->
+<!-- height: 5.5rem !important;-->
+<!-- line-height: 5.5rem !important;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .buttomBox {-->
+<!-- display: flex;-->
+<!-- justify-content: center;-->
+<!-- height: 6rem;-->
+<!-- margin-top: 10px;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .buttomBox .dv-border-box-8 {-->
+<!-- margin-left: 10px;-->
+<!-- margin-right: 10px;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .announcementDialog .el-dialog__body {-->
+<!-- padding: 0px;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .buttomBox-items {-->
+<!-- display: flex;-->
+<!-- flex-direction: column;-->
+<!-- justify-content: center;-->
+<!-- position: relative;-->
+<!-- align-items: center;-->
+<!-- height: 100%;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .buttomBox-items-title {-->
+<!-- display: flex;-->
+<!-- text-align: center;-->
+<!-- justify-content: center;-->
+<!-- height: 50%;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .buttomBox-items-title img {-->
+<!-- width: 1rem;-->
+<!-- height: 1rem;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .buttomBox-items-title-text {-->
+<!-- font-size: 1.8rem;-->
+<!-- color: white;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .buttomBox-items-data {-->
+<!-- font-size: 1.8rem;-->
+<!-- color: aqua;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-dialog {-->
+<!-- /* background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) !important; */-->
+<!-- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;-->
+<!-- // border: rgb(255, 112, 46) 5px solid;-->
+<!-- backdrop-filter: blur(3px);-->
+<!-- margin-top: 0 !important;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-dialog__title {-->
+<!-- color: rgb(255, 255, 255);-->
+<!-- font-weight: 900;-->
+<!-- font-size: 3rem;-->
+<!-- color: red;-->
+<!-- line-height: 4.5rem;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-dialog__header {-->
+<!-- height: 0rem;-->
+<!-- color: #fff;-->
+<!-- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);-->
+<!-- text-align: center;-->
+<!-- // box-shadow: 0 0 1.5vw rgb(97, 255, 255) inset;-->
+<!-- // background: linear-gradient(#74ffef, #74ffef) left top,-->
+<!-- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left top,-->
+<!-- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right top,-->
+<!-- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right top;-->
+<!-- /* linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,-->
+<!-- linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,-->
+<!-- linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom,-->
+<!-- linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom; */-->
+<!-- background-repeat: no-repeat;-->
+<!-- background-size: 2px 20px, 20px 2px;-->
+<!-- padding: 0 !important;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-dialog__body {-->
+<!-- padding: 20px;-->
+<!-- color: #fff;-->
+<!-- background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);-->
+<!-- text-align: left;-->
+<!-- // box-shadow: 0 0 1.5vw rgb(57, 255, 255) inset;-->
+<!-- // background: -->
+<!-- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,-->
+<!-- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) left bottom,-->
+<!-- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom,-->
+<!-- // linear-gradient(#3deeda, #3deeda) right bottom;-->
+<!-- background-repeat: no-repeat;-->
+<!-- background-size: 2px 20px, 20px 2px;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-table th.el-table__cell>.cell {-->
+<!-- height: 3rem;-->
+<!-- line-height: 3rem;-->
+<!-- font-size: 2rem;-->
+<!-- background-color: #00BAFF;-->
+<!-- color: white;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-table th.el-table__cell {-->
+<!-- padding: 0;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-table .stop-row {-->
+<!-- color: red;-->
+<!-- background-color: #003B51;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-table .needHelp-row {-->
+<!-- color: #ffe446;-->
+<!-- background-color: #003B51;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-table .less-row {-->
+<!-- color: lime;-->
+<!-- background-color: #0A2732;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- //表格内容行设置-->
+<!-- .el-table__cell .cell {-->
+<!-- padding: 0;-->
+<!-- line-height: 7rem;-->
+<!-- //background: lightblue; -->
+<!-- font-size: 5rem;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-table .el-table__cell {-->
+<!-- padding: 0;-->
+<!-- // height: 6rem;-->
+<!-- }-->
+<!-- .el-table__row {-->
+<!-- padding: 0;-->
+<!-- color: white;-->
+<!-- }-->